Limited Spaces Available for Summerside’s Leading Business Acceleration Program

Summerside Xchange programs are customized to the companies’ needs to determine the market viability of the new product or service. They often focus on customer engagement, technical due diligence, product trial, securing investors and product launch/company establishment, to name a few common focus areas.

The Distinct Advantages of Summerside Xchange

Highly innovative environment:
Summerside is a small but innovative city with a significant level of open enabling infrastructure in which companies thrive. It is ideal for testing and development of scalable and exportable technology.
Speed of business:
Access to key decision-makers with quick turnaround times is a key feature of the program.  Get to yes/no decisions quickly – at the speed of business.
“First Customer” opportunity:
Where appropriate, the City of Summerside will work with firms to use budget displacement or third-party seed funding to support being the all important “first customer” opportunity providing customer reference and product validation for future sales.
Significant knowledge base: 
Summerside has a valuable database of case studies on the green economy, technology and collaboration of enterprises). 
Stakeholder network:
A vast network of like-minded partners, professionals and industry experts across a significant number of industries such as, but not limited to, manufacturing, food and energy.
Low-risk experimentation:
Risk is directly lowered for companies by allowing them  to tap into Summerside’s existing infrastructure using rapid development cycles to increase the speed and decrease the risk associated with innovation and new product development
Summerside is in for the long-term and believes in two-way success.
Summerside is a community offering a high quality of life and affordable cost of living for employees. The city also shines a focus on sustainability and net-zero, which is a bonus for those trying to mitigate their personal carbon footprint.



The Xchange aims to establish Summerside as a global leader in testing, validating and growing products and services for next-generation communities by utilizing the City of Summerside infrastructure, knowledge base and partners in the commercialization of innovation. (optional) The Summerside Xchange also seeks to partner with like-minded organizations and commercialization partners in the support of startup and existing companies seeking to develop innovative products or services.


Our Inaugural Year of 2021, proved to be highly engaging proving there is a large demand for this type of Accelerator

The Summerside Xchange officially launched in the spring of 2021 with purpose and while much of the effort was spent establishing our brand and market awareness, the activities clearly focussed on deal flow and client engagement.  The board met a total of nine times since its formal inception and executed some of the following milestones in 2021:
1.  Execution of an international Pitch and Bridge Competition that engaged over 25 clients
2.  Formal relationship with ten pipeline companies
3.  Introduced 4 companies to Canadian investors
4.  Enrollment of 2 Xchange clients under agreement
5.  Partner collaboration activities to create relationships with global innovation and research organizations
6.  Award-winning website
2021 was an exciting year for the Xchange from its formation to client execution agreements. Planning is well underway for 2022 and with new services and supports to facilitate investment opportunities for our clients.


A World Recognized Board of Innovators

The Xchange has assembled a world-renowned team of subject matter experts to support, extol and support enterprises in their growth journey.


Michael Thususka is a certi­fied Econo­mic Deve­lopment Practi­tioner and is Dire­ctor of Econo­mic Develo­pment for the City of Summer­side, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Mike has been working in the field of Eco­nomic Develo­pment for the past 26 years, 20 of which have been with the City of Summer­side. Mike curre­ntly sits on the Natio­nal Economic Developers Associ­ation Board of Direc­tors and is Past Presi­dent of the Associa­tion.


Ron Sege is an Opera­ting Part­ner at BGV. Ron has more than 37 years of opera­ting expe­rience with disrup­tive offerings in the Enter­prise IT market, in estab­lished public compa­nies and venture­backed start-ups. He has extensive cross-border mana­gement expe­rience, mana­ging opera­tions in China, UK, Conti­nental Europe and Israel. Ron also specia­lizes in go-to-market stra­tegy and tactics, having star­ted his career in Field Opera­tions at ROLM Corpo­ration and 3Com.


David is a reti­red internet/­digital serial entrep­reneur, tur­ned angel inves­tor with a glo­bal health, food and tech port­folio. David has 25 years of expe­rience buil­ding compa­nies and mana­gement teams from scratch and ta­king them to inter­national suc­cess, and 15 years as an inves­tor in early-stage ven­tures, hel­ping them to enter glo­bal mar­kets, raise capi­tal and grow. As the founder of Entrep­reneurship Founda­tion Hun­gary, David is the crea­tive mind be­hind the Hun­garian govern­ment's INPUT Prog­ram, which is recog­nized by the United Nations as a ‘Global Best Prac­tice Program’ for foste­ring the inno­vation eco­system.


Mary Alcan­tara is a star­tup cham­pion and staunch suppor­ter of cross-­border inno­vation. She is a foun­ding part­ner of tandem LEAP, a busi­ness mana­gement com­pany with offices in Budapest and New York City. A key player in the Hunga­rian start-up eco­system, she has consul­ted and mento­red for many of Budapest's lea­ding incu­bation and acce­lerator prog­rams and is a foun­ding member of the Hunga­rian Busi­ness Angel Network. Mary is currently ser­ving as Accelerator-in-Residence at INPUT, a Hungarian govern­ment prog­ram that sup­ports star­t-ups with inter­national mar­ket expan­sion.


Jeff is a lawyer with Key Murray Law in Prince Edward Island.  Jeff is regu­larly sought out for his exper­tise on legal inno­vation, and he’s never too busy to work through prob­lems and cons­truct crea­tive solu­tions. For many clients, Jeff is the first stop for all legal ma­tters, pro­viding unfilte­red strate­gic advice on busi­ness matters of all kinds. In all matters, Jeff’s emphasis is squa­rely on the ongoing suc­cess of his client’s business. His approach is always to find the right answer to the busi­ness prob­lem at hand.


Jason Aspin co-­founded Aspin Kemp & Asso­ciates (AKA) in 1996. Since gra­duating in ma­rine enginee­ring from the Cana­dian Coast Guard College in 1987, he has specia­lized in power engi­neering and sys­tems integ­ration and built over 30 years of prog­ressive expe­rience in sys­tems enginee­ring in the Industrial, Marine, and Offshore environ­ments. As an inno­vator, he dedi­cates his time to desi­gning solu­tions which are both socia­lly and environ­mentally respon­sible with a fo­cus on impro­ving relia­bility for mission cri­tical sys­tems while redu­cing the carbon emmi­sions asso­ciated with opera­tions.


Our First International Client  

Polish-based WindTAK sp. provides individualized solutions in wind engineering, focusing on problems related to the operation of wind turbines and the improvement of their energy efficiency. The nature of the wind, local environmental conditions and varying energy prices combined with the characteristics of the turbine require an original approach. The precise analysis allows the best use of both wind resources and turbine potential — the two most important factors generating profits for the owners of a wind park.
WindTAK sp. although still in the development stages has experience and competence in the design, prototyping of innovative solutions and operation of wind turbines as well as in advanced turbine research including wind tunnels and open field tests. They have experience in cooperation with the industry, conducting innovative energy projects in conjunction with leading research and development institutes and universities in Europe and Northern America.
WindTAK sp. has recently worked with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) — Enterprise Forum Central and Eastern Europe and have been selected as one of only five startups to attend a specialized Bootcamp at the prestigious MIT in Boston in the spring of 2022.


Looking to be one of our clients?
Join the program now, as membership is limited: we are currently looking for two new-member companies to begin the second quarter!


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